Glass Mother is the main antagonist appearing in the 11th episode.
She is an abusive matriarch who's the parent of Salad Fingers and Glass Brother. Glass Mother lives with the latter in a Glass World.
Glass Mother is an elderly woman who is confined to a chair. Like her family members, she has green skin, bulbous eyes, and an emaciated figure. Unlike them, her irises are colored green. Her fingers are also noticeably longer than either of theirs. She wears a dirty, faded pink dress, has wild grey hair, and smokes a cigarette holder.
While it's unknown as to whether Glass Mother is truly Salad Fingers' mother or just a representation of her, it is apparent that she holds a great amount of control over her own son. Appearing in the Glass World, Glass Mother spends a duration of her time verbally and physically abusing Salad Fingers, or favoring her other son.
Glass Mother starts off by forcing Salad Fingers to give her a bowl of food. Salad Fingers does as he is told, but when he tries to hand her the bowl, his Glass Brother blocks the way, accusing him of trying to have their mother starve, to which Glass Mother states that starving would be merciful rather than watching the terrible display. She then has Salad Fingers poison himself by making a disgusting soup, ignoring her son's hesitation of the inedible slop making his stomach hurt and giving him a fever. He then throws up, which will come into play later. When Glass Brother kidnaps Hubert Cumberdale and takes him into the Glass World, Glass Mother decides to use Hubert as a broom.
At night, Salad Fingers enters the Glass World through a puddle, and sneaks into his Glass Brother's room to retrieve Hubert. Glass Brother awakens and alerts Glass Mother of Salad Fingers' plan. Glass Mother uses her long, serpentine fingers to destroy the mirror, intent on trapping Salad Fingers in the Glass World. Through sheer luck, Salad Fingers manages to escape through a puddle of his own vomit, and when his Glass Mother tries to emerge from a handheld mirror, Salad Fingers smashes the mirror several times, resulting in millions of shards being left behind. Despite this, Salad Fingers recovers one of the shards and he cuts one of his fingers to spread his blood across the glass shard, which he then puts away in a box.
- Glass Mother was based on the grandmother from Spoilsbury Toast Boy.
- She shows favoritism for Glass Brother and never treats him poorly.
- She and the "glass family" are representative of schizophrenia. Their behavior directly reflects that of auditory hallucinations, which in real life can be disturbing, violent, and self-abusive in nature.
- It could be assumed that she is married to someone named "Glass Father", given that she repeatedly says "Wait until your father gets home!" at the end of the episode.
- She might not be Salad Fingers' real mother. In "Market", Salad Fingers holds up an image of a boot, saying that it was his real mother. However, he could just be hallucinating.