Salad Fingers Wiki

I-I think he likes spoons too!
―Mable in Picnic

Mable is a young red haired girl who only appears in "Picnic". She appears to be silent, but unexpectedly begins talking and apparently fills Salad Fingers with fear. After that, she is not seen again.

Mable, like Kenneth and Milford Cubicle, is falsely named by Salad Fingers. Like the Varsity Jacket Boy, she is wandering the wasteland for an unknown reason and appears to be either sane or non-mutated. When she wanders by, Salad Fingers invites her to sit down and join him and his friends for a picnic. He responds for Mabel regarding her tasting the food at first and seems joyful of her presence. At one point a crow flies by and takes Salad Fingers' spoon. They both laugh and then Mable speaks. Although she talks sweetly, Salad Fingers seems to be shocked by hearing her speak and retreats to his house, where he envisions her without eyes in front of a weird vortex speaking nonstop, while sitting in a corner.

Mable is featured 2 times, one in Picnic, and in The 20th Anniversary video. But a dress that looks like hers appears in Glass Brother


Mable has orange, poofy hair and pale skin with freckles on her face. She wears a pink and blue dress and matching pink shoes with white knee-high socks. She is very dirty due to wandering through the wasteland.


  • Mabel was probably born after the supposed apocalypse in the series, because she is not afraid to approach mutants, considering them as the norm of this world.

Episode List

