Roger is a broken radio that speaks in a robotic, aggressive manner (much like a Dalek) and scares Salad Fingers into the cupboard twice. Roger, according to Salad Fingers, must be given 'sustenance' (in the form of small brown pellets which appear to be beans, marbles, or malt balls), while in reality, all he is doing is putting this 'sustenance' into the back of the radio, which is overflowing with the items.
Salad Fingers tells the viewers he typically wakes up and listens to Roger's broadcasts involving the war, and if he's lucky, he also listens to "Croxley". He adjusts the dial and gets no feed. In this specific instance, Roger begins making noises that are loud and distracting, upsetting Salad Fingers. Salad Fingers tries to find out if this is because of anything he did, but the radio emits further and he retreats.
Later that night, Roger is “making that noise again". This time, Salad Fingers crossly reprimands him for being noisy. However, Roger aggressively demands Salad Fingers to return its strand of hair, and then demands that the house be cleaned. Salad Fingers refuses and Roger complains, causing Salad Finger to retreat once again; this time in tears.
- Roger could be Glass Mother, as they both talk in the same voice and appear to hold dominion over Salad Fingers.
- Roger is another character of which Salad Fingers can't stand speaking with him in English, just like Mable.